“ACW has given me chances to come up against all my edges, to learn new ways
of being in the world, to discern with the vision of a greater good, rather than
decide what it is best for me alone. Most of all I have experienced being with a
spiritual community that is joyful and supportive.”

Melissa Barbour, April 2020 Newsletter

Book Groups

We read together—in email book groups and small gatherings. We choose books that will support our contemplative journeys and broaden our horizons. In our email book groups we read a new chapter every two weeks and if so stirred, we send our reflections on each chapter to each other—what moves us and what doesn’t. This dialogue makes for a very rich exchange. A list of some of the books we have read can be found on our Resources page.

Prayer Circles on Zoom

Members have the opportunity to pray together in monthly prayer circles. We use Zoom video conferencing. Each circle decides on its format. For example, one circle opens with checking in; 10 minutes of silence; sharing something that has spoken to you—a reading or an insight. Prayer Circles create a safe place to speak from our hearts and share our journeys.

Prayer Partners

We assign Prayer Partners to those members who wish to engage in prayer with another person. This allows far-flung members to maintain a way of being connected across time and space. We offer new partners every other year, and some choose to stay together over longer periods of time. New members are offered a Prayer Partner at the time they join. Each pair chooses their own method of being in this relationship.


We collect and share resources for the contemplative life.  ACW has published two books: The Lay Contemplative and Cloister of the Heart. Books we have read and recommend and other treasures also appear on the Resources Page.

“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”

Rabbi Tarfon, from Micah 6:8

Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from contemplation?” He responded, “Nothing! However, let me tell you what I have lost: anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death.”

Membership in ACW is open to all women who value and long for the contemplative path.
