“We continued the morning session by sharing our own stories of joining ACW, what drew us there and what has kept us there through the years. As we spoke of our histories with ACW, there appeared to be common threads that drew us and bound us together, such things as the deep need for ‘something more,’ the need for freedom within our religions, the specific focus of ACW on the contemplative journey of women, our love of laughter and play, and most importantly, the deepening of our relationship with the Holy as we are challenged and supported by our sisters on this journey.”

Marilyn Webb, Jubilee Gathering 2019

Our Reason for Being

We are all seekers. And we are all on a journey, whether just beginning to consider a more contemplative life, or living one for decades.

Formed in 1969, the Association of Contemplative Women provides support, resources, and encouragement as we search for connection to the great Unknowable. We have a shared commitment to the contemplative journey.

We are drawn to contemplation believing that this approach to life fosters our growth in self-knowledge and draws each of us closer to the God of our understanding. By stopping, resting for a few moments in quiet emptiness, remembering what our life is really about, we also act as a counterbalance to the tempestuous world we live in.

The practice of contemplation in itself is inherently solitary, yet as a community of contemplatives we are stronger, as a forest is richer than a solitary tree. In the words of Richard Rohr: [Contemplation] is our matrix for life, our underlying worldview, and the energy field that keeps us motivated each day. In some sense it must be held by at least a few people around you, or it is very difficult to sustain absolutely alone.

We strive to facilitate the personal connection of members, not only in the traditional face-to-face experience, but also in new modes made available to us by digital technology. We are bright, open, educated women from many walks of life. We seek unity in diversity. We are vowed religious, lay religious, non-religious, clergy, hermits, community activists, artists, musicians, shop owners, educators, administrators, social workers, office workers, and retired. We are bonded by our commitment to live a contemplative life.

History – ACW Origins

In August of 1969, 135 Sisters from 57 contemplative communities gathered at Woodstock, Maryland, to participate in the first seminar for contemplatives in the Catholic Church in the United States. This meeting clarified the Sisters’ awareness of their need for ongoing mutual support in the process of renewal, education, and adaptation following the Second Vatican Council. Out of this gathering the Association of Contemplative Sisters was formed.

From the beginning, ACS realized its role in affirming and supporting the contemplative dimension of all people. Likewise, the Association fostered a unity among its members based upon mutual respect for diverse spiritual heritages and for shared contemplative values.

In 1986, ACS broadened and enriched its membership by welcoming as members all women who affirm and embody the contemplative dimension in their lives. Since then the membership has slowly become predominately lay and more diverse.

In 2019 our name was changed to Association of Contemplative Women to indicate the Association’s membership of lay women of diverse spiritual paths more clearly. The Association celebrated its 50th Jubilee from 2018 to 2020.

Organization of ACW

The Association of Contemplative Women (ACW) is open to all women seeking to live a contemplative lifestyle and who support the mission and purpose of ACW.

ACW is a nonprofit corporation organized according the laws of the state of New York.

The members of ACW meeting at the General Assemblies are the policy and decision-making body of the Association. They elect the president and the at large members of the Leadership Team. The General Assemblies are usually held biennially.

The Leadership Team acts as the governing board of ACW and advances its mission.

Members of ACW pay annual dues. Those unable to pay are welcome to become members and pay when they are able.

ACW Logo

The ACW logo is the Orans figure, an ancient, pre-Christian, gesture of prayer. Arms are raised in praise and intercession, beseeching the Divine Compassion to attend to the cry of our ever-birthing world.

Celebrating Leadership

“[Contemplation] is very far from being just one kind of thing that we do: it is the key to prayer, liturgy, art and ethics, the key to the essence of a renewed humanity that is capable of seeing the world and other subjects in the world with freedom–freedom from self-oriented, acquisitive habits and the distorted understanding that comes from them.”

Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Membership in ACW is open to all women who value and long for the contemplative path.
